Christmas Wishes For Saint Leo's Adult Learners
Saint Leo student advisors could give their students one thing for Christmas, here's what it would be.

Saint Leo student advisors could give their students one thing for Christmas, here's what it would be.
In 1944, music teacher Donald Yetter Gardner asked second-grade students at his school what they wanted for Christmas. As they excitedly responded, he was struck by how many of them – missing their upper middle teeth – lisped their way through their Christmas wishes.
Inspired, he went home that night and wrote what he called "a silly little song." A wide variety of entertainers have performed it over the years -- from Nat King Cole to The Chipmunks – and it still makes us smile today.
You guessed it – "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth."
If you're a student in one of Saint Leo's online degree programs, by this point in the year, you're enjoying a welcome respite between academic terms – some time away from studying and writing papers.
And since your central incisors came in decades ago, perhaps that's all you really want for Christmas – a little extra time to spend with family and friends.
Your undergraduate and graduate student advisors at Saint Leo understand how hard you're worked this year and wish you all of that and more.
Here is what they would like to give each of you, their online students, this holiday season. Some of their wishes are humorous, some are serious, but all are heartfelt.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Saint Leo!
"A Saint Leo elf tutor sent to their doorstep to help them with their classes." —Stephen Hirschbein
"Time; time for homework; time for work; time for holiday prep; time to rest; time for fun!" —Liz Vestal
"I would gift students with: effective coping skills; a planner for time management; and patience and encouragement." —Darriah Lazzard
"If I could give our students a Christmas gift, it would be encouragement to strengthen their faith, which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11: 1). Just have faith that no matter where you are in your educational journey, the things that you work hard for and truly believe in will come to pass.
"I would also give our students the opportunity to experience our University Campus. I believe that this would be an amazing experience for students see what a beautiful campus we have, and to know that they are a part of this amazing Saint Leo community. —Johnathan Plummer
"Two airline tickets anywhere." —Adrianne Guy
"All-inclusive five-day trip to see their favorite band/musician (front row seats)." —Marley Sengkhammee
"If I could give our students anything, I have one gift that I wish everyone could have. I would give our students a few extra hours each week for themselves, time to spend on what makes them happy and not just schoolwork, career, or other responsibilities. Whether it is more time with family and loved ones, time to spend outdoors in nature, or just quiet time at home, I think everyone could use a little more time for things that bring happiness and recharge their batteries." —Emilio Favale
"A joyride in a Maserati or free tuition for a year." —Oscar Lewis
"If I could give my students a gift, it would be extra time to get their final paper in during the holidays!" —Sophina Marshall
"I wish for students to have more time and balance so they are not overwhelmed with course loads." —Kristina Deakins
"My hope and wish for my students is to thrive in their programs with a great deal of perseverance during difficult times and achieve success." —Leslie Ramirez
"Amazon Prime." —Courtney Caton
"I wish we could provide free standard shipping on textbooks for students who are excelling in their program (3.75 GPA or higher & four-term minimum)." —Mark Pannitto
"A Christmas Carol." —Renelda Merzius
"Advice. I would tell them to enjoy the time that they are in school and network as much as possible. The time will fly by and they will have made some meaningful relationships by the time they graduate that could assist them both professionally and personally." —Andrea Grant
"I would give motivation to never give up on their dreams, and the understanding that nothing great was ever achieved without hard work!" —Chris Klossner
"Best wishes and a dog from their favorite dog-loving student advisor." —Mayra Tavarez
"I would advise students to register for their classes and order books early. The feeling of completing your degree is invaluable!" —Angela Mckoy
"Hugs! I would give each of our students a big hug because a simple hug can make a good day better and a bad day brighter." —Erica Sachs
"I would like to give students a gift card to the bookstore for a years' worth of books and swag. Not flashy, but very practical." —Aaron Tuttle
"My wish for students is a shopping spree voucher up to $1,000 at any major retailer for good grades (B's and A's)." —Sang Phan
"I would like to give my students confidence for Christmas. Sometimes my students may not have the confidence in themselves that they can do well, and I know that they have it in them to be great in their courses and sometimes they just need to be reminded of that." —Amantha Terwilliger
"Tuition for a term and a t-shirt." —Donna Bleiler
"Sending all of the students a copy of the DVD Home Alone. It's one of my family's favorite holiday movies and traditions." —Kristy Jones
"I would like to see a student dashboard, which would contain pertinent and specific information to their degree. For example, if you were in the cybersecurity program, you would have a list of potential certifications that could be paired with that degree." —Matt Randall
"A gift card of good health for you and your family; a stocking filled with free tuition and financial freedom; and a tinsel glimpse of graduation and your bright future with your family cheering your success – all wrapped in a holiday bow!" —Zulie Mendoza
"I wish them a safe and happy holiday season." —Amanda Kohn
Image credits: EllenSmile on Shutterstock