Mission Statement
The Office of Accessibility Services exists to promote and uphold the values of Saint Leo University by ensuring all members of the University community and guests have equitable access to the programs, opportunities, and activities available at Saint Leo. We do this by working collaboratively with the University community to provide reasonable accommodations; empowering students to be independent, self-advocating, and self-determined; and promoting access, awareness, and advocacy for students with disabilities on the University Campus, at our education centers, and for those who are enrolled in online programs.
Student Eligibility
The Office of Accessibility Services is dedicated to ensuring equal access for students with disabilities at Saint Leo University. Through education, advocacy, and resources, the Office of Accessibility Services can collaborate with students, staff, faculty, and guests to create an inclusive and supportive environment.
Students on the University Campus, at centers, and online are eligible for accommodations if they have documentation of a qualifying disability. Qualifying disabilities included but are not limited to:
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing
- Learning Disabilities
- Mental Health Disorders
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Visual Impairment
If you are interested in completing an application for supports through the Office of Accessibility Services, please review the information below.
Get Registered
Already registered? Login to your AIM Profile to request your Letters of Accommodation.
Students with disabilities who require accommodations related to academics and environmental access must complete an Accessibility Services New Student Application.
Students who require housing and/or dining accommodations must complete the Accessibility Services Housing/Dining Application.
Students who require both academic and housing/dining accommodations should complete the regular new student application and provide additional information related to housing and/or dining requests in the relevant section of the application.
During the application process, students must submit qualifying documentation of a disability. For information about documentation requirements, please see our Documentation Guidelines.
During a student’s intake, the student and an Office of Accessibility Services staff member will work collaboratively to determine reasonable accommodations based on the provided documentation. If a student is requesting housing or dining accommodations, a representative from the relevant office may be invited to that portion of the meeting to help problem solve how best to meet the student’s needs. Students are welcome to involve other individuals such as parents, spouses, or agency representatives in the intake meeting if they so choose. During the intake meeting, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss their concerns. They will also receive information about how to request their accommodations and may receive directions or training about specific accommodations (e.g., how to download and use a particular piece of software). Students will also receive a copy of the Office of Accessibility Services Student Handbook, which addresses some of the most common questions and needs of students with disabilities at Saint Leo.
Things to Consider
Start Early
It can take several business days to complete the review and intake process before students begin receiving accommodations. It is also important to note that accommodations are never applied retroactively, so failure to register in a timely manner can have significant implications. For students requesting housing accommodations, waiting can limit the availability of the rooms that would be best suited to the student’s needs. Students should begin the process of requesting accommodations as early as possible to ensure there are no delays in implementing accommodations.
Students must provide current documentation of a qualifying disability. High school IEPs and 504 plans, documentation of accommodations at other institutions, and prescription notes from a doctor are examples of documents that are insufficient to determine eligibility. Students should carefully review the Office of Accessibility Services Documentation Guidelines prior to submitting an application to ensure there are no delays in determining eligibility.
Student information is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Office of Accessibility Services may not release student information to anybody other than the student and University officials who have a legitimate educational interest as defined under FERPA. If a student wishes to have information released to any other individual including a parent, spouse, agency representative, etc., the student must complete a FERPA Release Form and return it to the Office of the Registrar. Additional information can be found in the FERPA section of the Saint Leo website.
Students with Temporary Conditions
The Office of Accessibility Service can provide accommodations for students with temporary conditions such as an injury, surgery, or other short-term situation that may interfere with a student’s ability to meaningfully access academics, campus facilities, etc. These accommodations are provided on a short-term basis until the student recovers. Students who require temporary accommodations must complete an application through the AIM Portal. Students should refer to the Office of Accessibility Services Documentation Guidelines to determine the documentation needed based on the student’s disability. If you have any questions about registering with the Office of Accessibility Services, please call (352) 588-8464 or email adaoffice@saintleo.edu and a staff member will be happy to assist you.
Current Students
Students who are already registered with the Office of Accessibility Services can access Faculty Notification Letters, request alternative formatting, schedule exams, and more through their AIM student profile.
University staff members who are responsible for providing accommodations can access relevant information through their AIM staff profile.
Faculty members can review accommodations requests for classes they are teaching via their faculty profile.
Dr. Michael Bailey, Director
Jasmine Cosme, Assistant Director
Hannah Bravermen, Assistant Director
Contact Information
The Office of Accessibility Services is located on the University Campus on the second floor of the Student Activities Building in Suite 203. Our mailing address and contact information are listed below.
Office of Accessibility Services
33701 State Road 52
MC 2212
Saint Leo, FL 33574
Phone: (352) 588-8464
Fax: (352) 588-8605
Email: ADAOffice@saintleo.edu
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Social Media
Follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from the Office of Accessibility Services.