Zoom Video Conferencing Account Creation and Resources
To create your free Saint Leo Zoom Video Conferencing account, visit saintleo.zoom.us and click Sign In. Follow theThe Department of Information Technology (DoIT) provides support for new Saint Leo University students through secure and effective system prompts to activate your Zoom account which will allow you to join your virtual classroom meetings as well as create your own meetings. Saint Leo University follows strict security measures to keep Zoom meetings safe, activating your Zoom account is an important measure towards keeping your academic environment secure. For video demos and guides, visit saintleo.zoom.us”
Portal and Office365 Login Service
Department of Information Technology (DoIT) has changed the way in which our community authenticates to Saint Leo University applications. With security being our upmost concern, we have added new features that add an additional layer of security to ensure that your personal information and data are protected. The Okta Login page will look different but have all the same, familiar applications and links we all use on a daily basis. Applications like those found in Office 365 (ex:Outlook) are now “tiles” and can be accessed with a simple click. Additional applications and links will be added, periodically.
**If you are attempting to access the portal for the first time, please view this video for enrollment instructions.
First time enrollments, please enter your email ID. For students (firstname.lastname@email.saintleo.edu), for Faculty/Staff (firstname.lastname@saintleo.edu) in the username field, followed by your password.
Once initial enrollment is complete, you may access the portal by simply typing in your (firstname.lastname). Below is an image of the new login screen.
If you require assistance, please enter a support request at helpdesk.saintleo.edu or call us at (352) 588-8888 and we will gladly assist you.
Community - Intranet Portal
The Portal is the central resource access point for Saint Leo University's online services. The Portal provides access to the following resources:
LionSHARE | Courses | Office 365 Email |
eLion | Library | Raise Your Hand (Student Success Assistance) |
eForms | Bookstore | And more |
Information Security
The Information Security Team provides responsive and preventative services to protect Saint Leo University Community members, and the technology environment.
Click here to view Information Security Resources.
Network Connections
Wireless Networks (All University Locations).
SLUNET is the primary, secure, wireless network accessible to all Saint Leo University students. Access to the SLUNET wireless network requires Saint Leo log in credentials. When using the SLUNET wireless network, University students are required to adhere to the Saint Leo University User Access Policy.
Wireless access is available to guests of Saint Leo University. Guests may connect to the SLU-Guest network. Upon connection, guests will be required to enter an email address and agree to adhere to the University User Access Policy before gaining access. This connection does time out after a specified period, and will require the guest to reconnect if they wish to continue use of the network.
Wired Network (University Campus Only)
All University Campus Residence Hall rooms are equipped with wired network ports for student use.
For more information on connection to the Saint Leo University networks, please see the Personal Device Connections Page.
Saint Leo University Compliant Device Requirements
Saint Leo University is committed to ensuring that all students have access to technology to support their education pursuits. While the University maintains several computer lab facilities with full academic software, hardware and printing capabilities, we recognize students utilize personal devices. Please visit the Saint Leo University Compliant Device Requirements page to learn more.
University Campus Student Devices
(University Campus Only)
Each year Saint Leo reviews our technology program to ensure that we are providing students with top technology and support. First-year University Campus resident students are eligible to receive the most current device configuration.
For more information on University issued devices and options available for University Campus transfer, part-time, and commuter students, please visit the Laptop Provisioning & Rentals page.
Okta User Information
What is Okta?
Okta is a single, integrated platform that offers secure access to enterprise applications and information. We connect any person, via a device, in any context, to the technologies they need to do their most significant work at Saint Leo University.
Which browsers does Okta work on?
Okta is easily accessible by using the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
Who do I contact in the event that there is a technical issue?
Contact the IT Help Desk at (352) 588-8888.
Where do I log in to get to Okta?
To log into Okta, go to https://saintleo.okta.com/.
How do I use Okta?
You can watch this short video to assist you with your initial log in and account creation.
What is my username and password for Okta?
Okta will use the same format our community uses to log into the portal.
User ID (firstname.lastname) and your portal password.
Why do I need to set up a secondary email?
Secondary emails (Gmail, msn, yahoo, etc.) are necessary if you forget your password. If your account is locked out, or you are not able to recall your password, you will not be able to retrieve your “reset password” link provided in your Saint Leo email. The reset link will also be sent to your secondary email. Allowing you to reset your password and then access Saint Leo’s network and your applications.
How do I change my security image?
To change your security image, login to Okta on a computer or mobile device. Click on your username in the top menu, and select the ‘Settings’ menu item.
Go to the Security Image section and select Edit. Select a new security image and click Save.
How can I change the order in which my apps appear?
To change the order of your apps, “click and hold” on an app icon, then drag and drop the app to the location you would like it to be displayed.
How do I move an app from one tab to another?
To move an app from one tab to another, click and hold on the app icon, then drag and drop your app to the new tab.
How do I search an app if I can't remember which tab I put it on?
At the top of your dashboard, you can find apps in the "Launch App" search bar. If you can't remember which tab your app is on, go to the Launch App search, type in the name of your app and select the name to open it.
How do I change my Okta password?
To change your Okta password, login to https://saintleo.okta.com/ on a computer or mobile device. Click on your username in the top menu, and select the ‘Settings’ menu item.
Reminder: Your Okta password it the same as your Saint Leo network password. Changing your password in Okta also changes your Saint Leo network password.
Go to the Change Password section, and select Edit. Enter Current Password, followed by your new Password. Continue to “Change Password” and click Save.
How can I change my Forgotten Password question?
To change your forgotten password question, login to https://saintleo.okta.com/ on a computer or mobile device. Click on your username in the top menu, and select the ‘Settings’ menu item.
Go to the Forgotten Password question section, and select Edit. Choose a new question, enter your answer and click Save.
How can I change my secondary email address information?
To change your secondary email address information, login to https:/login.saintleo.edu on a computer or mobile device. Click on your username in the top menu, and select the ‘Settings’ menu item.
Go to the Personal Information section and select and select Edit. Enter the new secondary email address and click Save.
What do I do if I am locked out?
If you cannot log into Okta, click the 'Forgot Password' link on the Okta login screen to reset your password or contact the IT Help Desk at 8888.