When you go to a job interview, it’s generally the hiring manager who asks all the questions. They want to know about your qualifications, why you feel you are the right person for the job, and which skills you bring to the table that can help make the company a greater success. But job candidates should ask several questions too.

Asking questions to the hiring manager shows that you are interested in the position. It tells them that you take the opportunity seriously enough to want to know more. It also showcases your ability to hold a meaningful and direct conversation. What are some good questions to ask a hiring manager to convey all these things? Here are a few to consider.

What are you looking for in a job candidate?

This is a good question to ask a hiring manager because it tells you which specific qualifications you have that are important to highlight. Their answer also provides insight into whether this is the right job for you. They may be looking for a job candidate who is highly organized, for instance. If you struggle with organization, you may not be the best fit. Alternatively, if you really want the job, you know that you need to work on this skill to be a success in that role.

What are the challenges someone in this position is likely to face?

No job comes without its challenges. Asking this question at the job interview gives you a better idea of what you can expect if hired. It also offers you the opportunity to consider whether you’re up for these challenges or not. You may even take this one a step further and ask about the cause of these challenges. Specifically, are they challenges that occur industry-wide or are they challenges that exist on a company level? Again, knowing what you’re up against (and why) can help keep your expectations in check.

If offered the position, what can I expect in terms of onboarding?

This one makes the list of good questions to ask a hiring manager because it gives a glimpse of how structured the employer is. If the interviewer responds by giving you a detailed step-by-step process that all new hires are expected to go through, it gives a different feel than if they were to say, “Well, we don’t really have an onboarding process. But don’t worry because we’re sure you can figure the job out!” Of course, this doesn’t mean that the lack of a structured approach is always a bad thing. And sometimes it is a result of a newer company that just doesn’t have onboarding figured out or enough resources to handle more formal processes. Either way, you’re better off knowing this up front.

How do you review performance?

When a company hires you, they do so with the expectation that you will perform at a certain level or provide specific results. Asking this question in an interview tells you what they will look for when reviewing your performance. Focusing on these aspects of the job may make your review go more smoothly. You may even want to follow up on their answer by asking how often they do employee reviews. Will they look at your performance monthly, quarterly, or yearly, for instance? A shorter time between reviews suggests that they might expect faster results.

Can you tell me about your experience working with the company?

This is a good question to ask a hiring manager for several reasons. One, it allows you to establish a more personal connection. By asking about the interviewer and their experiences, they may feel warmer toward you as a job candidate. Another reason this is a good question is that it gives you an insider’s perspective. Granted, not every employee has the same thoughts about the company they work for. However, their answer may give you things to think about.

What is the company’s position on training and employee development?

If you are looking for a company that offers the ability to promote to higher positions, you want to know that you will have access to this opportunity if you are hired. The hiring manager’s answer to this question will also tell you whether the company considers employee development a priority that it is willing to invest in, or if employees are required to seek training on their own. Consider their response and how it aligns with your career goals. If it doesn’t, you may want to look at other employers instead.

These are just a few good questions to ask a hiring manager when engaged in a job interview. Each one provides more insight into the company and the job, helping you decide if both are a good fit for you.