Job Report: Degrees in Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Business
Looking to earn a degree in criminal justice, social work, or business? Find out what career tracks these degrees can help lead you to in the future.

Looking to earn a degree in criminal justice, social work, or business? Find out what career tracks these degrees can help lead you to in the future.
Jobs obtained after earning a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, social work, and business are frequently positions that promise advancement. While these positions themselves are sufficient for a livelihood, there are opportunities open for those who wish to pursue a higher-level career in their respective fields.
A graduate with a degree in criminal justice has several options for employment. There are career opportunities in law enforcement in which the mean annual wage for police officers is reported as $50,603. One advantage to working as a police officer is the availability of positions throughout the country because there are always officers who are retiring. While a degree is not required for a person to become a police officer, it is a requirement for advancement in rank or for becoming a detective. Retirement can be taken after 20 years of service and the attainment of age 55.
Criminal justice majors can also find employment in prisons, jails, and probation agencies. In state and federal prisons, there is a need for corrections officers since inmates make up approximately 13% of the country's population. The position of corrections officer entails a variety of responsibilities with opportunities for advancement, especially in the federal prison system in which People can transfer throughout the country. Correction officers maintain order within prisons or jails by enforcing rules and supervising the inmates. They assist counselors and inspect the facilities so that standards are met. They also monitor inmates' conduct and inspect their cells. Average salaries are in the $40,000 range. Health and other benefits are excellent. Retirement in the federal system can be taken at any age after 25 years of service or after 20 years of service at age 50.
Social work involves different levels of education and training. Those with bachelor's degrees are somewhat limited in positions that they can hold, but having a degree in social work can qualify a person for an advanced standing master's in Social Work, a program that can be attained in a year. With a bachelor's degree in Social Work, a person can assist families with counseling, health education, and referrals to agencies that will help them with illnesses and in times of community disasters or epidemics.
A median annual salary for social workers is around $47,000, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those with a master's degree have more job opportunities and earn approximately $60,790. Currently, there is a growing need for social workers in many areas such as health care where social workers are expected to increase by 19% in the next decade. Also growing in need are social workers for family and individual services and services in the criminal justice system.
There are business careers in the traditional areas of banking, finance, human resources, and marketing. Some graduates with business degrees pursue self-employment and launch their own companies. Opportunities also lie in other areas such as advertising and health care because the financial expertise and strategic thinking acquired with a business degree are in demand. The average salary for those with business degrees is $61,000. This salary is up 5% from 2014. Business graduates can also advance as business managers in retail and sales or as human resources or operations managers. Prisons and other institutions with business offices have openings for Business majors as purchasing agents and marketing agents. If graduates go on to acquire a Master of Business Administration (MBA), they can move up the ladder to executive positions in many companies.
NOTE: This guest article was provided by ZipRecruiter and is used with permission.