Why Earn Your Religious Studies Degree at Saint Leo University?
Religion has always held and still holds a critical position in both public and private life, at every time and place having been and still being a large-scale phenomenon of major consequence in the world. Religion not only includes discursive beliefs about the meaning of life, purpose, ultimate reality, the afterlife and other such matters, but also individual and communal identity formation, the ritualized structuring of people’s lives and communities within time and space, and moral principles and ethical directives governing and prescribing human behavior. Religion has always been inextricably bound up with, and strongly influenced by the historical, cultural, sociological, psychological, philosophical, political, educational, literary, artistic, and practically every other aspect of human life and experience. Religion continues to influence billions of people’s daily lives in countless ways and so the understanding of religion is therefore imperative and urgent, and everyone benefits from the study of religion.
The interdisciplinary nature of Religious Studies makes it conducive to pairing with other fields of study, and the B. A. Religious Studies program is designed with double majors in mind. This highly flexible major requires five core Religious Studies courses plus six electives of the student’s choosing, with electives available not only in the Religion department but also in history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, education, medical humanities and healthcare administration, some of which may count toward another major. Students interested in theology may choose their electives from among a variety of Catholic theology course offerings.
The B. A. Religious Studies program is for students with an interest in various aspects of religion and wanting to investigate diverse religious ideas, questions, issues, and problems in an interdisciplinary way. Religious Studies majors are advised to, but not required to, declare a double major or minor. The program’s practical emphasis supplies students with real-world experience for career preparation and success beyond graduation.