Professional development through short-form courses has become a hot commodity within higher education. From micro-credentials to continuing education options, working professionals are turning to these alternative pathways to upskill and make themselves more marketable to advance in their current roles or seek higher positions in other organizations.

In this episode of the Saint Leo 360 podcast, we discuss the Center for Alternative Pathway Programs (CAPP) at Saint Leo University. Our three guests are Dr. Cindy Lee, director of CAPP; Amanda Forrester, the former program administrator of CAPP; and Brittany Hahn, a graduate of the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) micro-credential course. They discussed:

  • Lee's background with Saint Leo University
  • What inspired she and the university leadership team to launch the Center for Alternative Pathway Programs (CAPP)
  • Her title and role within the center
  • What micro-credentials and professional development courses actually are and why they are so valuable to career advancement these days
  • Forrester's background with Saint Leo University and how she became part of CAPP
  • An Overview of the HR, grantsmanship, and project management micro-credentials
  • Examples of test preparation for professional certifications
  • Examples of professional development courses
  • Feedback the university has received from "graduates" of these CAPP courses
  • Hahn's personal and professional bio
  • How she discovered CAPP at Saint Leo and why she enrolled in the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) micro-credential course
  • Her experience in the CBT micro-credential course and why she would recommend it to others
  • How the micro-credential coursework has benefited her in her career already

Listen Now

Listen to Episode 41 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast on the Center for Alternative Pathway Programs (CAPP) at Saint Leo University on the Episode 41 podcast page.

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Learn More about Saint Leo's Micro-Credentials & Professional Development Courses

Learn more about the CAPP micro-credentials and professional development course options available at Saint Leo University on the CAPP homepage.