Saint Leo Celebrates Its First-Generation Students Who Pursue Dream Of College Degree
At Saint Leo, 27% of the student population is first-gen, demonstrating determination and the courage to be more and do more.
Saint Leo University Ready to Welcome More than 800 New Students
Students will begin moving in the week of August 19, and classes start August 26 for campus, education center, and online programs.
6 of the Best Apps for College Students with ADHD
What are the best apps for college students with ADHD? Check out this list from a Saint Leo University student with personal experience using them.
Saint Leo University Earns Honors In 4 Categories Of ‘2023 U.S. News & World Report’s Best Online Programs’
Saint Leo Receives High Marks For Online Bachelor’s Programs, Including Best for Veterans, Best Business, Best Psychology, and Best Overall Bachelor’s Degrees
Saint Leo University Earns 2022 U.S. News & World Best Colleges Honors
Saint Leo is named as one of best regional universities in the South.
Saint Leo Promotes Access, Inclusion for Disability Awareness Week
Get the scoop on all of the unique events and projects Saint Leo University put on during Disability Awareness Week to promote accessibility and inclusion.
Eighteen Years After 9-11, Survivor Visits Saint Leo for a Week
Michael Hingson is a blind speaker and author who educates the public about inclusion.
Collecting Caps of Love can Make a Difference in the World
Members of the Saint Leo University community have pitched in to the school's Caps of Love program to help children with disabilities and to raise awareness about the importance of recycling.