When it comes to Saint Leo University and the military, the two have had a strong relationship since the early days of the institution. One aspect of this relationship has been the Saint Leo University ROTC program for students interested in attaining a college education while preparing for potential military service.

In this episode of the Saint Leo 360 podcast, we discuss the Saint Leo University ROTC program. Our guest is Capt. Wesley Champlin, an assistant professor of military science at Saint Leo who oversees the program. During the conversation, Champlin spoke about:

  • His military background and highlights from his military career
  • How he got into teaching students in the ROTC program and what drew him to come to Saint Leo University from another institution
  • A brief history of Saint Leo’s connection to the military
  • Who is eligible to participate in the Saint Leo University ROTC program
  • The characteristics of students who make a good fit for this program
  • The partnership Saint Leo University has with the University of South Florida to facilitate this ROTC program and how the program operates on both the Saint Leo and USF campuses
  • The available tracks in the program (Army, Air Force, and Navy)
  • Types of courses, training, and activities offered in the program
  • The benefits of the Saint Leo University ROTC program for all students, regardless of their future career goals
  • How the program can lead to a military career and post-ROTC program requirements to become enlisted in a specific branch of the military
  • The overall benefits of serving in the military
  • How students can learn more about the Saint Leo University ROTC program and get involved

Listen Now

Listen to Episode 70 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast on the Episode 70 podcast page.

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Learn More about the Saint Leo University ROTC Program

Interested in learning more about this program? Visit the Saint Leo University ROTC program page for more details.

Contact Capt. Wesley Champlin

To contact Capt. Wesley Champlin directly with any questions, he can be reached by phone at (352) 588-8685 or by email at Wesley.champlin@saintleo.edu.