Saint Leo University Hosting Mini-Residency In Creative Writing January 5-6, On Campus, Online
Those interested in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry are invited to learn more about the craft of creative writing from Saint Leo faculty.
Saint Leo University Honors Program Grows, Challenges Students
Students Tackle Problems of Today through Interdisciplinary Program
The Most Magical Places on Campus? These Two Saint Leo Disney Classes
Read about two unique undergraduate honors classes on Disney focusing on literature and psychology offered at Saint Leo University this fall.
Sports & Literature Class Examines the Storytelling of Athletics
Read about a sports and literature class being offered at Saint Leo University this fall in which students examine the action as a narrative.
PODCAST REWIND: Gianna Russo, English & Creative Writing Professor
Listen to Episode 68 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast with Prof Gianna Russo, a Tampa native who teaches English and creative writing for Saint Leo University.
Identical Twins, Proud Alumni Make Most of Saint Leo Admissions Roles
Meet Jenna and Jessica Skrelunas, identical twins and proud Saint Leo alumni now supporting their alma mater through campus admissions roles.
What Is Speculative Fiction? Course Explores Popular Literature Genres
What is speculative fiction? Get the details on a unique literature course on science fiction, horror, and fantasy works being offered in the fall of 2022 at Saint Leo University.
PODCAST REWIND: Saint Leo University’s BA in English Degree Program
In Episode 52 of the Saint Leo 360 podcast, our guest is Dr. Chantelle MacPhee who spoke about the unique BA in English degree program at Saint Leo University and the numerous career opportunities graduates may pursue with this versatile undergraduate degree.
Saint Leo University Faculty Offer Words of Love on Valentine’s Day
Forget the schmaltz and the saccharine, our faculty works including a love story novel, an essay collection, and a collection of poetry.
What is Bibliotherapy? Students Explore Books as Therapy in Lit Class
What is bibliotherapy? Read about a unique literary conflicts course at Saint Leo University in which students explored the concept of reading fiction as therapy.